
Each One Teach One Discipleship Lessons
Part Three:
Matthew 28:18-20
Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.
Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of
the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And
surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
This passage is often referred to as the “Great Commission” of Christ to the Apostles. In every generation since
the first century, Christian groups have concluded that this commission also applies to themselves. But many
have failed to notice that it doesn’t say to just go and “scatter the seed” of the Good News about the life, death
and resurrection of Jesus. It specifically says to “make disciples” as you go.
A disciple is someone who:
1. Is dedicated to a particular teacher
2. Wants to learn all that teacher has to teach
3. Is willing to assist in spreading that teaching to others
A disciple is not just someone who believes the story about Jesus. A disciple is a learner or a pupil of Jesus.
The command in Matthew 28 says to teach these disciples “everything” Jesus taught the original 12 Apostles!
[John 8:31-32]
… Jesus said, “If you ___________________________________________, you are really my disciples.
Then you will know the ___________, and the ____________ will set you free.”
***** There is a lot of confusion about just what is the Gospel. The word gospel itself means good news. But
what is included in that good news? Is it just that Jesus died to pay the penalty for your sins, and that you
therefore get to escape hell? No- that is the central part of the Good News, but it is not the whole story.
[II Cor 5:19-20]
… God was ______________________ the ____________ to himself in Christ, not counting men’s sins
against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation. We are therefore Christ’s
ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be
reconciled to God.
***** It says here that God is reconciling the world to himself! In the beginning God created man and
established for him a way of life that is very good, including an intimate relationship with our Creator. The
scriptures describe the principles of this way of life. These principles apply first in the physical life of man, and
would lead to a lifetime of blessing for individuals, families and nations. But these principles are also eternal, and
will apply to our relationships with God and with others beyond this life. The basic principle underlying all the
rest is complete obedience to the will and authority of God. Man, starting with Adam, has rejected the authority
of God. As a result, we have lost that way of life and that relationship with God that would lead to peace and
happiness now and in the world to come.
The first part of the Good News is that God has provided the way back to reconciliation with Him through the
blood of His Son. But the Good News doesn’t stop there. Once reconciled, we have access to the Holy Spirit that
empowers us to live that way of life that God intended from the beginning. And that same power that raised
Christ from the dead will raise us from the dead to an eternal way of life, and relationship with Him, that God
also intended from the beginning.
A disciple is one who believes the Gospel… the Good News… about what Jesus did for him. But a disciple is also
one who then goes on to:
1. Learn the good news of the way of life Jesus taught.
2. Walk in the light of that good news through the power of the Holy Spirit.
3. Cultivate the relationship with Jesus promised in the Good News.
***** Perhaps you have thought that the job of spreading the news about Jesus and teaching what He taught is
the job of only a select group of Christians. If you had lived in the first century, perhaps you would have thought
that this was particularly the job of the Apostles, since they were still alive:
[Acts 8:1-4]
And Saul was there, giving approval to his [Stephen’s] death. On that day a great persecution broke out against
the church at Jerusalem, and all except the apostles were scattered throughout Judea and Samaria. Godly men
buried Stephen and mourned deeply for him. But Saul began to destroy the church. Going from house to house,
he dragged off men and women and put them in prison. Those who had been scattered
_________________________________________ wherever they went.
***** Eventually, the Apostles did preach the gospel throughout the world. But the first extensive spreading of
the gospel beyond Jerusalem was done, not by the Apostles, but by the persecuted, scattered average Christians!
The Church certainly does need specialized “evangelists” who can reach large groups of people, and specialized
“pastors” (shepherds) to care for God’s sheep.
But consider this: how does a shepherd get more sheep?
Does he “create” them?
No… SHEEP make more SHEEP!
It is a recognized fact among Christian researchers of many denominations that more people are first drawn to
want to know more about the Gospel through contact with friends and family, rather than through the preaching
of “professionals.”
If you lived in the first century in the time of Jesus, and were a leper, everyone would be afraid to touch you. For
if they did, they might be infected with your disease of leprosy, and become a leper themselves.
But Jesus was not afraid to touch lepers, for He could cleanse them from their leprosy! And those who were thus
healed sometimes became His disciples.
If Jesus has touched you, and cleansed you of your sins, you are now His disciple. Wouldn’t it be great if you
could “touch” those around you with the Gospel, and “infect” them with the desire to follow Jesus?!
Would you like to have an “infectious” faith?
In the next three lessons we will consider how you can have Faith that is “catching.”
1. A disciple is a learner.
2. The fruit of sharing the Good News will be new disciples for Jesus.
3. It is one job of every disciple to make more disciples.
4. Disciples will learn what Jesus taught.
5. Disciples will walk in the light as Jesus walked.
6. Disciples will have an intimate relationship with Jesus.
John 8:31B-32
…Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching,
you are really my disciples.
Then you will know the truth,
And the truth will set you free.
Note: The reference above to verse “31B” means the second half of the verse. The first half of the verse mentions
that Jesus made this statement to some Jews who believed him. But it is obvious that the statement can apply to
anyone. So in our memory work we are focusing on the second half of the verse.
Previous Memory Verses: Now that we are once again in a new four-lesson section, the memory verses from
the previous eight lessons will no longer be included on the review pages. But you are encouraged to continue to
occasionally review them on your own to keep them fresh in your mind.
1. What is the difference between knowing about Jesus and being His disciple?
2. What does “reconcile” mean to you?
3. Have there been changes in your “way of life” since you began learning about Jesus?
4. What is the role of the Holy Spirit in our new way of life?
5. Why not just leave the “Great Commission” to the TV evangelists?
6. Write John 8:31B-32 from memory:
Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, ____________________________________________________
7. Fill in the blanks in these scripture quotes from past lessons:
And without ___________ it is impossible to please God.
… faith without deeds is ___________.
He who does not have ______ _________ ___ __________ does not have life.
The peace of God, which transcends all _______________________ will guard you hearts and minds in Christ