Creating Energy through TEAMWORK
People are more creative and more productive when they are together.
Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble. Ecclesiastes 4:9-10
Six ENERGY –Creating Principles
EMPHASIZE THE BEST IN EACH OTHER. People blossom with affirmation; they wilt under criticism. Build up the confidence of your team by giving more encouragement, and less criticism.
NEVER TRY TO CONTROL EACH OTHER. Beware of becoming one of these people who like o play the control game: “the Interrogator”—controlling through questions, “the Intimidator”—controlling through anger, “the Martyr”—controlling through guilt, and “the Aloof”—controlling through apathy.
ENCOURAGE THE FREE FLOW OF IDEAS—VALUE EVERYONE’S OPINION. Never try to create ideas and evaluate them at the same time. Have fun.
REPLACE COMPETITION WITH COOPERATION. The competition is at another business—not in your office. Help every person and department see the big picture so they’ll understand how their part helps the whole company.
GIVE AWAY WHAT YOU HAVE AND WATCH IT MULTIPLY! This is God’s law that really works. Whenever you need more energy or ideas, learn to share with others on your team. You will eventually receive more back.
YIELD THE CREDIT TO OTHERS. Remember you’re a team.
I have heard it said, “Coming together is the beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success!”
Discussion Questions:
- Whom do you see as a role model who unselfishly and productively works as part of a team? Identify one aspect of their behavior and work on that yourself.
- Which principle is least comfortable for you that you could practice?
- Is there someone whom you may have offended and you need to confront and reconcile the relationship?