

a) Passionate for reaching all of the lost in his target group  b) Single-minded, working diligently toward seeing all people reached  c) Not a pragmatist but an “urgentist” – Living with a sense of urgency  d)Spiritually authentic  e) Hearing God and obeying  f) Living in integrity before God and others  g) Exercising faith that God will start a D’group among the people  h) Living by the Spirit which leads to holiness  i) Loving God and others   j) A life-long learner – before God always learning in order to better fulfill the vision  k) Persevering – has dogged tenacity to do the things necessary to complete the task including pressing through obstacles.

People…Being the first person in…Segmenting the population…envisioning reproducing D’group in all segments…Evangelizing/Discipling/Starting groups/Training – all in such a way that it can lead to a Greater Movements in the city.  God can do it.  God is doing it.  His invitation is for you to join Him. The end of which to help build the Kingdom of God in our generation.

Image may contain: 6 people

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